Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hyper-V is nifty!

I haven't had much of a chance to play with Hyper-V but I did a little bit of fiddling tonight. I loaded up a VM with the latest Ubuntu and got it up and running and all is well with the world.

I made a snapshot and then did the classic n00b mistake of:

`cd / && rm -rf *`

Yeah. Not a good thing to do and yes, it destroyed the installation as expected.

I applied the snapshot that I had taken a few minutes before and within a few seconds my Ubuntu was up and running exactly the way it was when I took the snapshot. How stinkin' cool is that?

I have a need to build out an installation process that builds installs and configures a Win2k3 machine with users, applications, IIS, vdirs, etc and this will be the perfect environment to test. Build up a base machine, get it configured and snap shot.

Then I can try the process and tweak as much as a I need by restoring the snapshot. Too stinkin' cool!

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