After writing the SimPy code to solve for the three tier eBiz solution I wanted to go back and correct some of my initial code with the single queue.
Below is what I feel is better code than my original single queue solution.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from SimPy.Simulation import *
from random import Random, expovariate, uniform
import time
class G:
# Rnd = random.Random(time.mktime(time.localtime()))
Rnd = random.Random(12345)
MyQueue = Resource(1)
QMon = Monitor()
ServiceTime = 0.50
TotalCalls = 0L
TotalResidence = 0L
TotalWait = 0L
TotalService = 0L
class WorkLoad(Process):
def __init__(self):
self.StartUpTime = 0.0
def Run(self):
self.StartUpTime = now()
yield request, self, G.MyQueue
G.TotalWait += now() - self.StartUpTime
yield hold, self, G.ServiceTime
G.TotalResidence += now() - self.StartUpTime
yield release, self, G.MyQueue
G.TotalCalls += 1
class Generator(Process):
def __init__(self, Lambda):
self.Lambda = Lambda
def execute(self):
while 1:
yield hold, self, G.Rnd.expovariate(self.Lambda)
W = WorkLoad()
activate(W, W.Run())
def main():
Lambda = float(sys.argv[1])
MaxSimTime = 10000.00
G.TotalCalls = 0L
G.TotalResidence = 0L
G.TotalWait = 0L
G.TotalService = 0L
print >> sys.stderr, "MaxSimTime = ", MaxSimTime
g = Generator(Lambda)
activate(g, g.execute())
print Lambda, ",", MaxSimTime, ",", G.TotalCalls, ",", G.TotalCalls/MaxSimTime, ",", G.TotalWait, ",", G.TotalResidence, ",", G.TotalResidence/G.TotalCalls, ",", G.TotalWait/G.TotalCalls, ",", (G.TotalResidence/G.TotalCalls) - (G.TotalWait/G.TotalCalls) , ",", ((G.ServiceTime * G.TotalCalls) / MaxSimTime) * 100 , "%",",",G.QMon.mean()
print >> sys.stderr, "Ideal Throughput : ", Lambda
print >> sys.stderr, "Simulated Seconds : ", MaxSimTime
print >> sys.stderr, "Number of calls : ", G.TotalCalls
print >> sys.stderr, "Throughput : ", G.TotalCalls/MaxSimTime
print >> sys.stderr, "Total Wait Time : ", G.TotalWait
print >> sys.stderr, "Total Residence Time : ", G.TotalResidence
print >> sys.stderr, "Mean Residence Time : ", G.TotalResidence/G.TotalCalls
print >> sys.stderr, "Mean Wait Time : ", G.TotalWait/G.TotalCalls
print >> sys.stderr, "Mean Service Time : ", (G.TotalResidence/G.TotalCalls) - (G.TotalWait/G.TotalCalls)
print >> sys.stderr, "Total Utilization : ", ((G.ServiceTime * G.TotalCalls) / MaxSimTime) * 100 , " %"
print >> sys.stderr, "Mean WaitQ : ", G.QMon.mean()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
The results are the same as before, but now instead of creating a gajillion objects to activate only one "thread" is created that in turns makes the calls to the queue. Much faster than my original code and laid out better.
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