Monday, October 27, 2008

My head hurts...

*bangs head against desk*

Search for creating users with WiX and you see the handy dandy User tag.

Go ahead and try that with WiX v3. Doesn't work?

Google the documentation. Aha! I need the sca.wixlib and associated sca*.dll files?

Search for files.

Not shipped with v3?


Download WiX v2.

Try using with WiX v3.

"The extension 'sca.wixlib' could not be loaded."

*continue to bang head against desk*

Now off to try this again with WiX v2. Can't use heat to harvest files? Guess I need to re-learn the process with tallow.

*continue to bang head against desk*

Do some more Googling. Hey, automated tasks are in the Wix*Extension.dlls. That's what I thought but couldn't get to load with -ext. Hmmmmm?

Some more Googling and reading of blogs. Oh, you can't just use the Wix*Extension.dll by name. Needs full path. Ok. That's not so bad.

Which Wix*Extension.dll has the task for using with the User tag? Dunno. I'll just copy all Wix*Extension.dll to my subdir and try 'em all.

Oops. WinDifxAppExtension.dll can't be loaded? Remove it from command line.

Oops. WixIsolatedAppExtension.dll can't be loaded. Remove it from command line.

Will by User tag be recognized now? *crosses fingers* Let's give it a try!

C:\SomeProduct\SP\Dist>candle -o SP.wixobj SP.wxs -ext WixDifxAppExtension.dll -ext WixDirectXExtension.dll -ext WixFirewallExtension.dl
l -ext WixGamingExtension.dll -ext WixIIsExtension.dll -ext WixMsmqExtension.dll -ext WixNetFxExtension.dll -ext WixPSExtension.dll
-ext WixSqlExtension.dll -ext WixUIExtension.dll -ext WixUtilExtension.dll -ext WixVSExtension.dll
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.0.4318.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\SomeProduct\SP\Dist\SP.wxs(461) : error CNDL0005 : The Component element contains an unexpected child element 'User'.



Hey. Wasn't I hired to be the performance SME? Hmmmm. What happened to that?

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